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Discovery of DNA-Binding Proteins

Who we are ?

The objective of bioHalosis is to fill-in a technological gap in Chromatin analysis. Indeed, there is currently no robust methodology to identify proteins that bind to a specific DNA element. bioHalosis is a Contract Research Organization offering custom services to identify proteins that bind to any DNA element-of-interest.

Most diseases result from a defect in gene expression. Our proprietary methodology, IDAP for Identification of DNA Associated Proteins allows proteins involved in local chromatin alterations to be detected, thus providing novel pharmacological targets. IDAP is a robust plasmid pull-down methodology that allows efficient detection of specific proteins of interest due to its extremely low background of unspecific proteins

What we do ?

bioHalosis, provides a proteome screening approach based on the proprietary IDAP methodology. Proteins specifically bound to a given DNA element-of-Interest (sequence, structural intermediate, lesion) are identified by label free Mass Spectrometry, confirmed by Western Blotting as necessary.

Identified protein hits need to be validated by additional genetic or biochemical approaches. IDAP is suited to study diseases related to gene expression alterations and various forms of DNA Repair deficiencies. It allows novel pharmacological targets to be discovered. All procedures are proprietary (patent and know-how).

bioHalosis services

We provide custom service to scientists interested in discovering novel proteins that bind to their favorite DNA element-of-interest (such as: intermediates formed during DNA metabolism, specific DNA sequence elements, unusual DNA structures and various forms of DNA damage).

Let us know your potential needs by filling-in the contact form provided below and we will get back to you with an adapted proposal.

News and Events

Two recent success stories illustrate the potential of IDAP

Cancer chemotherapy: A novel mode of action of Temozolomide (TMZ), the only chemotherapeutic drug approved in glioblastoma treatment, was unraveled. We implemented IDAP to investigate the mechanism of action of Temozolomide and discovered that this drug is able to induce DNA Double Strand Breaks in the absence of DNA replication. This observation opens avenues for improving the clinical use of TMZ (Fuchs, eLife 2021; Fujii, DNA Repair, 2022).

Trinucleotide repeat (TNR) expansions diseases: There are over 50 developmental, neurological or neuromuscular disorders that result from expansion of trinucleotide repeats. In a recent study, IDAP was used to probe the proteins that bind trinucleotide repeat intermediates formed during repair / replication (Fuchs, DNA 2023). This work represents a proof-of-concept study for the mechanism of expansion of CAG repeats; deep understanding of the underlying mechanism(s) will require additional experiments.

bioHalosis team

Robert P Fuchs

PhD, CEO and founder bioHalosis and Emeritus Research Director CNRS; Silver Medal CNRS; expert in molecular biology

Shingo Fujii

PhD, co-founder at bioHalosis, Scientist at CNRS; expert in biochemistry

Asako Isogawa

PhD, Research Engineer; expert in molecular biology and cell culture

More information about our services ?

bioHalosis within the scientific community

Recently Published papers

Fuchs R.P., Isogawa A., Paulo A. J., Fujii S., Identification of Proteins Specifically Assembled on a Stem-Loop Composed of a CAG Triplet Repeat, DNA (2023) 3, 109–118.

Fujii S, Sobol R.W. and Fuchs R.P, Double-strand breaks: when DNA repair events accidentally meet, DNA Repair (2022)

Fuchs R.P., Isogawa A., Paulo A. J., Onizuka K., Takahashi T., Amunugama R., Duxin J., Fujii S., Crosstalk between repair pathways elicits Double-Strand Breaks in alkylated DNA: implications for the action of temozolomide, eLife (2021)

Isogawa A., Fuchs R.P. and Fujii S., Versatile and efficient chromatin pull-down methodology based on DNA triple helix formation Scientific Reports (2018) 8:5925 DOI :10.1038/s41598-018-24417-9

Proprietary Patent and Know-How

Patent: New method for the isolation of the proteins bound to any kind of interesting nucleic acid sequence. Robert Fuchs and Shingo Fujii, dépot Juillet 2010, brevet européen dépôt n° 10007204.0-2402 ;

Know-how INPI: 1399 Nucleoprotein Washing Procedure (2022) inventors: S. Fujii and Robert P Fuchs; laboratory: MMG (AMU-INSERM-CNRS)

Partners & Labels